Quality Wellness Care for Northeast San Fernando Valley Dogs & Cats


To help you create a healthy lifestyle for your puppy or kitten, adult dog or cat, or senior pet, the veterinarians and staff at Pet Medical Center Sunland provide you with custom-made, all-encompassing wellness plans. These include:

Puppy and Kitten Wellness

To ensure that your new animal receives top quality pet care right from the start, we have specifically designed Puppy Wellness and Kitten Wellness programs.

Adult Pet Wellness Programs for dogs and cats ages one to seven years.

  • Annual exams, including yearly blood panels, are an important key to early disease detection and prevention.
  • Routine vaccinations are given every three years, while bordetella vaccinations for dogs and feline leukemia vaccinations for outdoor or high-risk cats are given yearly.
  • Parasite prevention is tailored to your pet’s lifestyle, offering year-round protection against fleas, ticks, and heartworms. We recommend Revolution. Additionally, we provide yearly fecal and heartworm screenings for dogs to detect the presence of intestinal parasites. See our videos for more information on fleas and intestinal parasites.
  • Nutritional counseling wellness care for each pet to ensure that your dog or cat’s diet is as healthy as it can be at any stage of life.
  • Dental care including professional teeth cleaning to keep your pet’s teeth healthy.

Nutritional Counseling Wellness Care for dogs and cats aged seven years and older. At this age, your pet needs more attention and care, which is why we recommend senior wellness visits twice a year.

The veterinarians and staff at Pet Medical Center Sunland want to keep you informed. Please see our videos on wellness for your pet and exercising your pet, or contact us today.